为了保护培训生成的对抗网络(GaN)中的敏感数据,标准方法是使用差异的私有(DP)随机梯度下降方法,其中将受控噪声添加到梯度。输出合成样品的质量可能会受到不利影响,并且网络的训练甚至可能不会在这些噪声的存在下收敛。我们提出了差异私有的模型反演(DPMI)方法,其中私有数据首先通过公共发生器映射到潜在空间,然后是具有更好的收敛属性的低维DP-GaN。标准数据集CIFAR10和SVHN的实验结果以及自闭症筛选的面部地标数据集表明,我们的方法在同一隐私保证下,基于Incepion得分,FR \'Echet Inception距离和分类准确性的标准DP-GaN方法优于标准DP-GaN方法。
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城市规划指的是指定为一个地区设计土地使用配置的努力。然而,为了获得有效的城市计划,城市专家必须花费很多时间和精力,以根据领域知识和个人经验分析复杂的规划限制。为了减轻他们的沉重负担并产生一致的城市计划,我们想问一下AI可以加快城市规划过程,让人类规划者只调整所生成的特定需求的配置吗?最近的深度生成模型的进步提供了一个可能的答案,激励我们从对抗对抗的学习角度自动化城市规划。但是,出现了三个主要挑战:1)如何定量定量土地使用配置? 2)如何自动化配置规划? 3)如何评估生成配置的质量?在本文中,我们系统地解决了三个挑战。具体而言,1)我们将土地使用配置定义为经度纬度通道张量。 2)我们将自动化城市规划问题制定为深度生成学习的任务。目的是给定针对目标区域的周围上下文产生配置张量。 3)我们提供量化评估指标,并进行广泛的实验,以证明我们框架的有效性。
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Feature transformation for AI is an essential task to boost the effectiveness and interpretability of machine learning (ML). Feature transformation aims to transform original data to identify an optimal feature space that enhances the performances of a downstream ML model. Existing studies either combines preprocessing, feature selection, and generation skills to empirically transform data, or automate feature transformation by machine intelligence, such as reinforcement learning. However, existing studies suffer from: 1) high-dimensional non-discriminative feature space; 2) inability to represent complex situational states; 3) inefficiency in integrating local and global feature information. To fill the research gap, we formulate the feature transformation task as an iterative, nested process of feature generation and selection, where feature generation is to generate and add new features based on original features, and feature selection is to remove redundant features to control the size of feature space. Finally, we present extensive experiments and case studies to illustrate 24.7\% improvements in F1 scores compared with SOTAs and robustness in high-dimensional data.
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Urban traffic speed prediction aims to estimate the future traffic speed for improving the urban transportation services. Enormous efforts have been made on exploiting spatial correlations and temporal dependencies of traffic speed evolving patterns by leveraging explicit spatial relations (geographical proximity) through pre-defined geographical structures ({\it e.g.}, region grids or road networks). While achieving promising results, current traffic speed prediction methods still suffer from ignoring implicit spatial correlations (interactions), which cannot be captured by grid/graph convolutions. To tackle the challenge, we propose a generic model for enabling the current traffic speed prediction methods to preserve implicit spatial correlations. Specifically, we first develop a Dual-Transformer architecture, including a Spatial Transformer and a Temporal Transformer. The Spatial Transformer automatically learns the implicit spatial correlations across the road segments beyond the boundary of geographical structures, while the Temporal Transformer aims to capture the dynamic changing patterns of the implicit spatial correlations. Then, to further integrate both explicit and implicit spatial correlations, we propose a distillation-style learning framework, in which the existing traffic speed prediction methods are considered as the teacher model, and the proposed Dual-Transformer architectures are considered as the student model. The extensive experiments over three real-world datasets indicate significant improvements of our proposed framework over the existing methods.
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The essential task of urban planning is to generate the optimal land-use configuration of a target area. However, traditional urban planning is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Deep generative learning gives us hope that we can automate this planning process and come up with the ideal urban plans. While remarkable achievements have been obtained, they have exhibited limitations in lacking awareness of: 1) the hierarchical dependencies between functional zones and spatial grids; 2) the peer dependencies among functional zones; and 3) human regulations to ensure the usability of generated configurations. To address these limitations, we develop a novel human-instructed deep hierarchical generative model. We rethink the urban planning generative task from a unique functionality perspective, where we summarize planning requirements into different functionality projections for better urban plan generation. To this end, we develop a three-stage generation process from a target area to zones to grids. The first stage is to label the grids of a target area with latent functionalities to discover functional zones. The second stage is to perceive the planning requirements to form urban functionality projections. We propose a novel module: functionalizer to project the embedding of human instructions and geospatial contexts to the zone-level plan to obtain such projections. Each projection includes the information of land-use portfolios and the structural dependencies across spatial grids in terms of a specific urban function. The third stage is to leverage multi-attentions to model the zone-zone peer dependencies of the functionality projections to generate grid-level land-use configurations. Finally, we present extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.
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传统的城市规划要求城市专家在许多建筑限制下花费大量时间和精力制定最佳的城市计划。深层生成学习的非凡富有想象力为翻新城市规划提供了希望。尽管已经检查了自动化的城市规划师,但由于以下情况,它们受到限制:1)忽略人类在城市规划中的要求; 2)省略城市规划中的空间层次结构,以及3)缺乏许多城市计划数据样本。为了克服这些局限性,我们提出了一个新颖的,深厚的人类建筑的城市规划师。在初步工作中,我们将其提出为编码器范式。编码器是学习周围环境,人类指示和土地使用配置的信息分布。解码器是重建土地使用配置和相关的城市功能区域。重建过程将捕获功能区和空间网格之间的空间层次结构。同时,我们引入了一种变异的高斯机制来减轻数据稀疏问题。即使早期的工作导致了良好的结果,但生成的性能仍然不稳定,因为捕获空间层次结构的方式可能会导致不清楚的优化方向。在此期刊版本中,我们提出了一个基于生成的对抗网络(GAN)的层叠的深层生成框架,以解决此问题,灵感来自城市专家的工作流程。特别是,第一个gan的目的是根据人类指示和周围环境的信息来建立城市功能区域。第二个GAN将基于已构造的功能区域产生土地使用构型。此外,我们为增强数据样本提供了调节增强模块。最后,我们进行了广泛的实验以验证工作的功效。
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功能转换旨在通过数学转换现有功能来提取良好的表示(功能)空间。应对维度的诅咒,增强模型概括,克服数据稀疏性并扩大经典模型的可用性至关重要。当前的研究重点是基于领域的知识特征工程或学习潜在表示;然而,这些方法并非完全自动化,不能产生可追溯和最佳的表示空间。在重建机器学习任务的功能空间时,可以同时解决这些限制吗?在这项扩展研究中,我们提出了一个用于特征转化的自优化框架。为了取得更好的性能,我们通过(1)获得高级状态表示来改善初步工作,以使加强代理能够更好地理解当前功能集; (2)解决Q值高估的Q值高估,以学习无偏见和有效的政策。最后,为了使实验比初步工作更具说服力,我们结论是通过五个数据集添加异常检测任务,评估各种状态表示方法,并比较不同的培训策略。广泛的实验和案例研究表明,我们的工作更有效和更高。
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多视图无监督的特征选择(MUF)已被证明是一种有效的技术,可降低多视图未标记数据的维度。现有方法假定所有视图都已完成。但是,多视图数据通常不完整,即,某些视图中显示了一部分实例,但并非所有视图。此外,学习完整的相似性图,作为现有MUFS方法中重要的有前途的技术,由于缺少的观点而无法实现。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于互补的和共识学习的不完整的多视图无监督的特征选择方法(C $^{2} $ IMUFS),以解决上述问题。具体而言,c $^{2} $ imufs将功能选择集成到扩展的加权非负矩阵分解模型中,配备了自适应学习视图和稀疏的$ \ ell_ {2,p} $ - norm-norm,它可以提供更好的提供适应性和灵活性。通过从不同视图得出的多个相似性矩阵的稀疏线性组合,介绍了互补学习引导的相似性矩阵重建模型,以在每个视图中获得完整的相似性图。此外,c $^{2} $ imufs学习了跨不同视图的共识聚类指示器矩阵,并将其嵌入光谱图术语中以保留本地几何结构。现实世界数据集的全面实验结果证明了与最新方法相比,C $^{2} $ IMUF的有效性。
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